Thursday, February 28, 2008


So yoga didn't happen... at the end of my work day, my throat started to get scratchy. I fixed myself a glass of tea with tons of honey to coat the throat, and no luck. However, since I hadn't eaten much, I had a nice giant Bonzai Pipeline wave of nausea hit. Lovely. So I headed home, stopping by Target on the way. Grabbed what I needed, and talked to the pharmacist. I told him with the scratchy throat, I knew what was coming next. He got me some Benadryl, telling me that the post nasal drip (I know you love all this TMI) was causing my throat to feel raw, and that if I don't try to get the head cold to go away now, while I am not run down and feel pretty decent, that it'll be a full blown chest cold here soon. It's important to note here one valuable lesson I learned last fall - *you can't run with a chest cold. Period.* I refuse to get too sick to run 7 miles at the beach this weekend, so I started on the Bendadryl. Woke up this morning, and I felt like I had this guy in my throat. While I am a big fan of turtles and all, I hate the feeling of a large one with spikes on his back every time I try to swallow. So, considering how I feel from the neck up and how contagious I probably am, I opted to stay home today.

I am so very bored.

No TV, no running, too cold to lay out, and Billy made me pretty much promise not to go to the gym and try to lift weights. So it's me, the MacBook, my apple cider sinus steam bath, and lots of Kleenex. And a Donna brownie.

I think I am going to do some more research on home remedies for head colds...

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