Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ready to Run

Okay, so according to my doctor, I do, in fact, have laryngitis. All the nasty gunk from my sinuses is coating my vocal cords. When my throat gets dry, I start this beautiful hacking cough that doesn't go away until some of that gunk dislodges from my vocal cords. It might take two or three good coughs or four or five minutes of coughing. So yesterday, my boss decides the hacking is enough for him and has me banished to the house. This is where I mention that I gave up TV for Lent. I've done a lot of laundry and house cleaning as I have guests this weekend, but it's been very quiet around here. So I clean up and nap and watch my favorite movie yesterday. I feel like staying home helped me (and, to be honest, work is kind of slow right now...) so I called in sick today. I had a major coughing fit this morning and took some cough syrup with some codeine in it (GREAT stuff, knocks me on my butt!) and slept until 3! I haven't slept like that since college! Anyway, my husband took the last frozen dinner, so I indulged my sick self in a Quarter Pounder w/cheese value meal (to keep the antibiotic down, naturally) and I'm listening to my laundry. I am going out tonight (I won tickets on the radio to see Pete Sampras and Todd Martin play) but that's not what I am most looking forward to this weekend...

The doc cleared me to run. SWEET! I didn't have a fabulous showing in my first Gate River Run, so I am looking to do better (even if I am sick). Not to mention this cabin fever is killing me!

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