Monday, April 7, 2008

SPF - Some People Forget

...about last year's hideous sunburn.

...about bra straps digging into fried flesh.

...about the risk for basal cell carcinoma or melanoma in people with a history of sunburns being more than twice that of a person without a history of sunburns.

...that when you run, your feet, tops of your thighs, and anything covered by your running clothes needs a base tan even after your legs and arms get dark.

...that people who live in Florida or Arizona can show signs of photoaging in their 20's (no matter how good their mom's skin is...)

...that after you spray your husband's back with some SPF 30 spray, you should probably turn the can on yourself.

Which is why I look a little bit like this...

Oh, and I got some of my info from The American Academy of Dermatology, The CDC, and my own apparent stupidity.

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