Friday, May 30, 2008

See? I told you I was jacked up!

((My comment while showing off my b-e-a-utiful MRIs to my coworkers.))

I haven't posted because I have been waiting on getting my MRI back from Wednesday. I can't see a whole lot in terms of the tendon issue (although the MRI tech said she saw some tendonitis in that general vicinity), but I have always had heel pain and now I might know why. Now's also a fantastic time to state that I am SO not a trained professional. Speaking of trained professionals, they didn't give me a report (like they swore up and down was on the disc), so you get the benefit of me and my Microsoft Paint skills. Enjoy.

Also, if you look at the dried, cracked skin on my foot, you will see that as soon as I am willing to let someone without a medical degree touch it, I'm in desperate need of a pedicure. AND, I am getting my x rays tonight; that ought to be interesting as well (but I don't think they come on a disc, so you might just have to take my word for it).


Anonymous said...

That's like an ident.. better your foot than your forehead. LU-Mom

holowahini said...

Already putting your nursing school knowledge to work. :o)

Tell Dana I am holding onto that Peachtree number, but we might have to have a talk after I see the ortho...

Darcey said...

Dude, how did you manage that? And I'm jealous, I only got film from my MRIs, nothing on disc.