Sunday, June 15, 2008

For All The Right Reasons

I am not a big 5k kind of girl. I started out that way, but I think everyone does. I am a distance runner. I am all about survival. However, what kind of race does a distance runner coming back from an injury do to test herself and see if she can still hack it in competition?

She runs a 5k.

And believe it or not, with all the variables in place for defeat (heat, having been at the beach hanging out all day, not eating or drinking well before the race, stupid evil night races, having to stand around for-ev-er beforehand, and the injury) I came up with 40:51, which I think I have gotten more than once in a 5k and really is only like 3:40 slower than my PR. All things considered, it wasn't that bad and I was pretty pleased. I can take care of most of those variables and truly consider myself back in the saddle.

The hold-up before the race was the Mizuno 5k Championship. Basically, an excuse for the fastest and fittest to make the slowest wait around on them to do a few laps before they let the rest of us loose on the course. And they get free Mizuno shoes. And a pie. Most of these guys don't even look like they eat pie. If I had run fast enough to win a pie, believe me, I would have been gobbling that thing up after the race. Forget bananas (don't eat 'em), free pizza (Hungry Howie's isn't very good), or even my all-time favorite post-race turkey wrap - I'd have been face first in dessert. Life is uncertain - eat dessert first.

However, boot camp starts tomorrow. Might want to stop thinking about pie. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Parden me, do you eat pie??" Hee hee. Good seeing you Sat!