Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Girl's Gotta Have Priorities...

B, when you read this, please don't immediately respond with "pay off debt".

You can usually tell a girl's priorities from looking at her. I remember my mom telling me as a very little girl that she got her hair done, our neighbor got her nails done, and women who could got both done. She would have laughed at me in college - I had my hair done, nails done, eyebrows waxed and car washed. (Yes, I was spoiled. And I have had a few at-home disasters on all of those that I *do not* want to recount here.)

But now I make my own money (and some of B's) and sometimes I really have to ask myself if I need all that. Or any of that. If you were to see me now, my toenails look like hell, my fingernails are overgrown (for me, at least), and my eyebrows are seriously out of control. I don't even have plans to hit the summer sales. And, according to my friend Michelle, my hair is looking like I don't need the highlight and haircut I had scheduled for next week, leaving me with some money I can spend on whatever (*sigh* Or paying down debt).

So, I have a dilemma - do I put it towards a bike, or towards some new running shoes that are better suited for my foot issues than my stability shoes? Decisions, decisions. I guess this tells you where my priorities are at!


Bill said...

Get the gait analysis done and see if you need new shoes. If you do, spend it on that. But you won't know until you get the gait analysis done.

Take care o' them feets. I really don't want you getting hurt and missing out on the marathon.

holowahini said...

"I really don't want you getting hurt and missing out on the marathon."


Darcey said...

You mean we can't talk about the time you got bored during a hurricane with a pair of tweezers on your birthday? ;)

And I agree w/ B... FEETS!

holowahini said...

Okay, first of all, it was wax. I had to heat it in a cup of water in the microwave about three times. If the power had actually gone out it would have kept me from doing that.

And second of all, no, we can't talk about it.