Friday, February 29, 2008

Playing Dress Up

I have always liked to dress up, except, strangely, on Halloween. I can be creative 364 (or, this year 365) days a year, but I can't get it right on that one day. That might be why I like hash runs where there's a theme (Red Dress, Green Dress, Toga, Redneck) that I can try to comply with. I've done the red Goth Girl thing, green tube dress with cowboy boots and Elvis glasses, and a Princess Leia toga... I can accessorize for sure.

However it is time to take on an actual character instead of an idea...

Minnie Mouse.

For the Minnie Marathon (it's a 15k, I don't know why they call it a marathon...?) I am going to do like probably a hundred or so other women and dress up as Minnie Mouse. I think it'll be more fun and besides, I have some killer red and black Nike+ shoes that I designed over on NikeID. I already have the sequined ears, and I think I found a black top I like at Dicks, both of which will go GREAT with this running skirt:



Bill said...

Cute! I'll make sure to look for the chick dressed as Minnie Mouse for my cheering.

holowahini said...

Haha! You're going to be doing a lot of cheering then! Just make sure you go home with the right Minnie when the race is over!