Friday, April 11, 2008

Destination: Atlanta (again)

When I was about 12 or 13, I had this obsession with entering contests in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. I actually won three of them. One was the elusive Peachtree Road Race entry. Now, clearly I entered these for the satisfaction of winning, not the acutal prize. But when I got my number I was dead set on being able to run - only I was one of those sedentary, Oreo-eating, watching Brady Bunch reruns after school kind of kids; overweight and not remotely athletic. I couldn't run 100 yards, let alone 6.2 miles up two large hills downtown. I played fullback on the soccer team because it required the least amount of running (and the most amount of tackling, which is why I was so good).

My, how times have changed. That was half my life ago, folks.

This year is different: Billy and I both got accepted into the race via the lottery system. And finally, 13 years and countless miles later, I will lace up my favorite Nikes on July 4th and run the Peachtree Road Race.

Bring it on.


Anonymous said...

hmmm... do we need to reserve an extra room at the Sheraton Buckhead? It's our annual tradition to go there on the 4th. Let me know and we can get you a room. LU-Mom

holowahini said...

Yep, put us down for that. Are you going to watch this race, too? :o)

Owen said...

Yay!! We'll have to see if we can get loose and be there.

luv dadc

holowahini said...

Sounds good to me! You will finally get to meet the one side of the family you haven't met (and they will finally get to meet you!)

Anonymous said...

Yea, this time I promise not to drink 1.5 beers and wake up with a hangover. Ah... it's so much fun getting old!

Darcey said...

*does happy dance*