Thursday, May 15, 2008

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

In light of giving relationship advice to a friend and a great article by Kristin Armstrong in Runner's World, I have to think about my short-term (but too long-term in my eyes) break up with running.

The doctor said I probably have tendonitis, recommended an x ray, MRI, an ortho appointment, more yoga, and physical therapy. I have the first one out of the way, the MRI is probably coming (waiting on insurance, naturally), the ortho appointment is Tuesday, yoga's no big deal, but the PT, that's going to take... weeks. Ugh.

My doctor also reminded me that I'm not 20 years old any more (FYI, I'm approaching 27 at a pretty good clip). I have feet issues. Stretching and flexibility issues. And, now, ankle tendon issues.

The article made me think about relationships and how some of them can translate to running...

Example: A friend of mine has a lot going on. Probably bit off more than he can chew.
Running: Someone like me who has too many racing endeavors.

Example: A single friend who thinks everyone has a significant other, except for him.
Running: Everyone out running when I can't.

Example: Breaking up to see other people.
Running: Stopping running to try other sports.

Example: Two people who just can't seem to meet each other on the same level, having difficulty understanding each other.
Running: Having inconsistent or bad runs (aka, heavy in their running shoes)

Example: Charlie Brown and the Redheaded Girl
Running: No matter what you try or how hard, you can't catch that runner who is leaving you behind.

Example: Trying to impress a guy/girl and always coming up short.
Running: Training for certain races and not making it. (For us, last year's marathon).

Example: The bad boy/girl you should probably stay away from but can't.
Running: The race/distance that kicks your butt every time, and you keep coming back for more.

Example: Swingers.
Running: Triathletes.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Bummer on the tendonitis :-( Yeaaahhh don't even tell me about not being a youngin anymore LOL. 30 is fast approaching for me :P