Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jen and the Amazing Sprained Ankle (mostly in pictures)

God bless Jen, my massage therapist. Even when I want to kill her, or even tell her I would if I wasn't face-first in a massage table and at her mercy, I still love her.

She said that the ankle is most likely sprained and gave it some extra attention, which I think helped a lot. I am going to stay off of it until Monday at the earliest, take her advice to R.I.C.E., then try to squeeze in a few miles with the 1st Place Running Club crew and my new ankle sleeve.

She also hit my plantar fasciitis pretty hard, which on my sore foot was majorly flaired up around the heel area. That was when I was really screaming at her:

So, that leaves me right about here with my marathon training:


Owen said...

Happy to see you're doing better....

Runner Leana said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch! Fingers crossed that with some rest and the ankle sleeve that it will be all better soon. Don't worry about starting your marathon training two weeks late, you'll still make it! Better to get this taken care of rather than to have it nag you all the way through to Vegas.