Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen: My 51st Post

Which, really, is like four in one.

Someone Lit A Menorah Under My Tuckus.

So, since I have been a bit jealous of Leana's boot camp experiences, I decided to join up with the one they are putting on at my local gym (aka, the Jewish Community Alliance. I know, I'm Catholic, but we don't have a sweet gym like the Jewish folks do). It's not Bikini Boot Camp like Leana does, but I think it'll help a little with that, too. Plus, it might just help out the last two weeks of the Weight Loss Challenge (which I am doing kind of meh on).

I Wanna Get Physical (Therapy).

So I finally went to PT, and so far so good! Apparently there is quite a bit of difference between my left and right ankle as far as range of motion, stability and strength. So, the therapist gave me three different types of exercises to try: these, complete with my shiny red theraband, stretching the calf and soleus muscles, and balancing on one foot. I look kind of ridiculous doing that, but it seems to make me more stable. And while I don't think it's yoga counterpart, tree pose, is glamorous, it's one of my favorites. And yoga is really helping me, I have to admit.

The Return of the Fab Four.

However, I skipped yoga last night to see the Sex & the City movie (and chow down on chicken wings). Totally worth it. Yes, it was a bit of a departure from the show (what would you expect?!?) but I did truly enjoy it. I liked seeing how they had all moved on in 4 years, how they were their same neurotic selves, and how that related to being older and wiser (slightly).

The John Smoltz Approach.

Okay, I am a little hesitant to use this, but whatever. John Smoltz is my favorite baseball player currently playing*. (Well... actually... he's doing his second major season-ending shoulder surgery. But you gotta give him credit - dude's a fighter.) A few weeks ago he decided to stop giving updates on his shoulder because he thought the media was mis-quoting him. Actually, I think it was more that the guy is injured, he didn't know at the time when he was coming back, and it had kind of turned into a circus (SMOLTZ WATCH '08!!!!) I kind of think he had a good idea on his hands, so, without further ado, here is the "Lana Version".

  • Dad: "When are you going to start back running again?"
  • Lana: "When I feel like it."
  • Billy: "When are you going to start back running again?"
    Lana: "When I feel like it."
  • Billy: "That's a good Smoltz answer for your dad. When are you going to start back running again?"
  • Lana: "When I feel like it."
  • Billy: "Well at least you're sticking to your answer."

But to answer anyone's lingering questions, I am feeling better. I am doing my PT. I am positive.

*Everytime I say I like a baseball player, he goes to the Yankees. (Alex Rodriguez, Randy Johnson, Roger Clemens...) I'm going to be so mad if Smoltz ever goes to the Yankees. But I doubt he will. I hate the Yankees. Grr.

1 comment:

Bill said...

So, when are you going to start running again? ;-)

Good job on sticking to your answer. Nobody gets better by getting back into running too soon. Even though I'm itching for you to get back out there, it's much better to be safe.