Friday, June 6, 2008

My (diet) Coke Habit

*Or, drinking away my liquid assets, 20 oz. at a time.

Yesterday I asked B if I could borrow a dollar for a diet Coke at work. He said, "That's all?" and gave me $2. I had $0.50 around here somewhere, so together they bought me two cokes.

Today, I asked for $2.50 since that's the going rate for two Cokes. I have noticed that's about my average per day (as bought with cash, credit, and Mike-money, which is when I give my coworker a puppy dog face and he gets me a Coke. We go back and forth on who pays).

This morning I decided to do some math: $2.50 a day comes out to $12.50 per work week. Four weeks a month makes that $50. And if you want to go the 52 weeks a year route, that's $650.00. Wow.

I think I am a little better off than when I was in high school, drinking 5 regular 12 oz. Dr. Peppers a day (at today's 20 oz rate, that would come out to $975.00 per year). But still....!

1 comment:

Darcey said...

Dude, you'd be better off buying a mini-fridge and then stocking it with cans.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about that since my office supplies us free beverages, and I've cut out the majority of my soft drink consumption.