Friday, June 20, 2008

My Love/Hate Relationship with Friday

I have always been a fan of Thursday. I was born on a Thursday, good TV comes on Thursday, in college it was the start of some people's weekend (everyday was a weekend for me, though - but I managed to graduate somehow), and it's the last day of whining because everyone loooooves Friday. And really, how could you not? It's the last day of the work week. The first night of the (actual) weekend. It's date night, high school football, movie premiere, pay day (for some), "Let's all go have a few beers 'cause it's Friday" day.

However, even with all that, I am still not a fan of Friday.

I am an obsessive person. I get on a roll and I won't stop. And if you look at my workout calendar, I am on a roll. Swimming, running, boot camp, yoga - going, going, going. But Friday is a rest day, as B likes to keep reminding me, and to further drive that point home, it's the eve of the Sabbath - and I go to a Jewish gym. They close at 5 pm and open Saturday at 1 pm. Almost forcing me to take a break. If I went to any other gym, I'd be dragging it to a spin class, yoga, lifting weights, something! But I am limited to: running (no thanks - tomorrow's my long run), tennis (that's at least a maybe!), or the neighborhood pool (I am not wearing a Speedo racing suit and a swim cap there, sorry). And even if I try to plan something outside, it's June in Florida - almost guaranteed to rain me out this afternoon.

*sigh* Maybe I should get a bike after all. Or a Wii Fit...

1 comment:

Runner Leana said...

I know I'm the girl with minimal rest days....but days are good for you! It is okay to take Friday off.